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Reformer Tower classes

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All classes utilise specialised equipment, a Reformer & Trapeze Combination


Fusion Tower Reformer Combo classes offer a unique and comprehensive Pilates workout experience by combining the benefits of both the Reformer and the Tower apparatus. This fusion of equipment allows for a more versatile and dynamic workout that targets different muscle groups, challenges stability and coordination, and enhances overall strength and flexibility.

By incorporating the resistance and stability of the Reformer with the varied spring attachments and additional props of the Tower, Fusion Tower Reformer Combo classes provide a full-body workout that can be tailored to individual fitness levels and goals. The combination of movements and exercises from both pieces of equipment adds variety and intensity to the workout, keeping it engaging and effective.

The use of springs in both the Reformer and the Tower allows for adjustable resistance, making it easier to modify exercises for different capabilities and intensities. The Tower apparatus also enables a greater range of motion and more opportunities for stretching and strengthening, offering a balanced and well-rounded Pilates session.

Exercise Intensity and Focus

  • Tower: Typically offers a more targeted exercise approach, honing in on specific muscles or muscle groups. The push-through bar, for instance, can provide an intense upper body and spine stretch.

  • Reformer: Provides a more dynamic, full-body workout. The moving carriage demands stabilization from the core, making almost every exercise a core workout.

    Flexibility and Stretching

  • Tower: The fixed nature of the Tower provides stability, allowing for deeper stretches and focused flexibility training.

  • Reformer: While it also promotes flexibility, especially in exercises that involve the straps or the footbar, the Reformer's primary focus is often on strengthening and toning.

**Assessments are not needed for these classes/challenges**

Reformer Tower Pilates classes offer a unique and challenging workout experience that complements traditional Reformer classes by targeting different muscle groups, movement patterns, and levels of difficulty.

By incorporating both Tower and Reformer classes into your Pilates practice, you can enhance your overall strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

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Elevate your fitness and transform with fusion fit